May 17, 2012
It didn’t take long for social networking to hit the financial world in a meaningful way. No, it’s not a new app for your smartphone that lets you take a picture of a check and then deposit it into your bank account. As cool as that is, SmartyPig is at least twice as cool. Read on for proof.
What is SmartyPig?
SmartyPig ( is a goal-oriented internet-based savings account fully protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) just like the savings account at your local bank. What differentiates a SmartyPig savings account from traditional savings accounts is the unique social networking component attached to each account.
Set a goal for yourself
Aren’t all savings accounts goal-oriented? Sure, but not in the same manner as a SmartyPig savings account. When you setup a SmartyPig account you immediately identify a goal for the money. Want a new laptop computer? Make that the goal. Want to take a holiday cruise? Then that’s your goal.
After your savings goal has been identified, simply enter in the amount of your goal and the day you want to reach it.
Social Networking
What makes the SmartyPig savings accounts a zillion times more fun than a traditional savings account is that you get to share your goal with all your friends on Facebook! Just try and pretend that isn’t awesome.
But the Facebook fun doesn’t end there. Not only can your friends share in your goal by encouraging you to stay on track to achieve your goal, they can also contribute to your financial success. Just imagine 1,000 of your closest friends each contributing just one dollar each to your success. Okay, it’s probably not quite that easy, but you get the gist of how the social networking component works.
Retail Partners
Another exciting part of a SmartyPig savings account is the retailer shops that have jumped on board with cash-back savings of up to 11% on purchases, and it’s no small number of stores. Here’s a partial list:
* (3%)
* Banana Republic (10%)
* Gap (10%)
* Macy’s (11%)
* Old Navy (5%)
* Sports Authority (5%)
* Travelocity Hotel Gift Card (10%)
Here’s how this program works. Let’s say you have saved $1,000, reaching your goal for a vacation. When you transfer that money, as an example, to a Travelocity Hotel Gift Card you instantly get an additional 10 percent—$100 dollars—added to the gift card. That’s $1,100 to put towards your hotel. Sweet, right? Of course it is.
Interest Account
To top off everything you’ve read so far about SmartyPig savings accounts, they also pay a very competitive annual yield of 0.70% on any balance below $50,000. Accounts exceeding $50,000 earn an annual yield of 0.50%, making SmartyPig savings accounts among the most competitive in the industry.
So, what are you waiting for? Do you have a financial goal that could really get exciting with SmartyPig, your friends on Facebook, and cash back from great retail partners? Visit for all the details and set a plan into motion to reach your goals.
Cash Flow,
financial planning,
money savings,
April 14, 2012
What are the risks associated with private equity finance and how can investors be successful?
Understanding Private Equity
Private Equity Finance refers to the initiative of raising capital from external investors and in turn rewarding them a share of the business. It consists of equity shares of companies not registered and traded on a public stock exchange. There are various ways of investing in private equity – leveraged buyouts, venture capital, growth capital, distressed investments and mezzanine capital.
Private Equity Finance: Risk Capital
Private Equity is often considered as “risk capital” due to its inherent nature and characteristics. In the case of private equity, operational issues make it hard to determine who ultimately is responsible for economic risk that arises out of a leveraged buyout. These are the result of using increased complex credit derivatives. The chances of these derivatives not being confirmed in a timely manner is very high and this may lead to more amount being traded than underlying assets.
Private equity finance is also considered a risk as a conflict of interest may arise between the responsibilities the firm has towards itself and the companies owned by the funds. Private equity investors are faced with huge turmoil along their way and need to be more prudent while making, managing and exiting investments. It is always important to have an entrepreneurial spirit when taking up such high risk ventures. Private equity investors spend tremendous amount of their time and energy looking for good business investments and enable them boost their performance. Entrepreneurs always believe in the concept of more risk equals more return!
Successful Private Equity Investing
Private Equity Finance, with its inherent risk characteristics can be a successful venture by knowing what you’re getting into. It is essential to be in places where successful entrepreneurs are. Success breeds further success, after all. This will give investors valuable insights and gain knowledge of new companies. They are masters in their field and just being in their presence will enrich investors with a lot of information. Developing an exit strategy is crucial to the success of private equity finance. The investor should have a liquidity event in place and make sure it brings rewards. A very important aspect is diversification. When there is effective diversity in the portfolio, small losses can be negated by higher profits in other investments and lead to long term success. With all these tips and insights, private equity finance can be highly rewarding for an entrepreneur, both as an investor as well as a business owner seeking investment yourself!
DealMarket’s online platform is meant to help the private equity world become simpler. Private Equity Finance can be successful if parties meet each other and close profitable deals. Powered by cloud-based technology, this onlie platform is considerably more efficient than using e-mail and Excel spread sheets.
Private Equity
April 6, 2012
In today’s competitive environment business accounting services are essential for firms, in order to stay ahead of the curve. Keeping a record of all transactions for example bookkeeping services allows firms to assess their current performance which then forms the ideal platform to forecast budgets and plan for their future growth strategies. These entries are consolidated to form Financial Statements which reflect crucial information such as sales, debtors, creditors, liquidity etc. These then can be compared to industry wise figures and past years’ figures to analyze business performance. Through this, business accounting services assist in the firm functioning efficiently.
Business Accounting Services – Crucial for Start up Companies
Business accounting services provide newly-launched firms the model support they need to grow and flourish. They advise firms on the most efficient ways of financing their venture and also offer assistance in obtaining finance. Obtaining funding has many hurdles to it, especially in today’s financial market as financial institutions tend to be averse especially towards new small businesses.
Start-up firms typically have a choice between debt and equity financing, and the accounting firm handles the responsibility of analyzing available options. This includes an extensive study of the industry as well as the the financial position of the owners, following which the best alternative is suggested.
For example, if the new entrepreneurs of the new company are financially strong and have cash available for investment, then debt financing might be the way forward since money can be borrowed against liquid assets. For industries which are profitable but cash inflow takes time to kick in, equity finance might be the best way to go about, as cash may not be sufficient at an early stage to service debt and mark up.
Business accounting services also guide start up companies regarding the business structure that suits their specific industry the most. From a tax perspective, this is crucial because different business structures have varying tax obligations. Business structure also has an effect on the paperwork in the company, personal liability and the company’s ability to raise money. Therefore this decision is crucial and the accountants ensure the journey begins on the right track. It further helps start-up companies by formally registering their business and assists them in obtaining bank accounts.
Business Accounting Services – A Stepping Stone For Established Companies
Apart from providing bookkeeping services, business accounting services construct financial statements and prepare reports on performance, profitability and liquidity and help firms efficiently manage their payroll. Additionally, the firm also manages and provides employers with data on former and current employees and if required also help screen potential employees
Tax season is usually a nightmare for all companies, whether new or established. As a result, there is nothing more comforting than having tax calculations taken care of, which allows entrepreneurs to concentrate on the core functioning of the business, and on making it more profitable. Tax services include payroll taxes, taxation on company assets such as properties and cars, capital gains tax etc.
As part of the package, payroll taxes are also handled which are either levied directly on employers as a proportion of the salary payout or employers are required to withhold and thus income taxes at source. In either case, the service ensures smooth and efficient functioning and helps the untrained businessman avoid legal complexities and technical jargon.
On a personal level, business accounting services helps seasoned businessmen improve their work life balance which reduces stress levels. They enable the business to plan for the future and explore new ideas. They work on the business rather than “in” it and hence have a fresh perspective. This in turn gives rise to innovative ideas allowing the business to succeed and achieve various milestones.
Anthony Azevedo, CPA is the managing member of EZCFO a bookkeeping company focused on business accounting services.
financial planning,
small business accounting
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