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Hard times for the interest only mortgage

Mortgage lenders are definitely making it harder for you to obtain a mortgage.
Especially when compared to the boom years when criteria was probably too
relaxed. It is a hard market to research at the moment because lenders are
constantly moving their goal posts as to what is required to obtain a mortgage.

One of the big changes in the market is that lenders are requiring large deposits
to allow you to go onto an interest only mortgage. Historically interest only
mortgages were available to everyone disregarding deposit levels however over the years this has changed. Over the last couple of years it has been pretty
standard for a 25% deposit to be required to go onto interest only however
these levels have increased by some lenders to 50%.

A repayment mortgage will guarantee that the mortgage is paid off by the end
of the term however an interest only mortgage is only paying the interest so at
the end of the term the mortgage amount owed will still be the same. This is a
big concern for mortgage lenders as at the end of the loan they will want the
mortgage to be repaid and is one of the reasons why there has been a reduction
in interest only mortgages.

To take out an interest only mortgage you have to prove that you have a
method to repay the mortgage through an alternative investment vehicle
such as an ISA. These checks are also becoming stricter to ensure that your
investment vehicle is realistically going to be able to pay off the mortgage.

This is just one way in which finding the right mortgage has become more
complicated due to the changes in criteria. There are also many other factors
such as employment status, proof of income, affordability and credit status.

It is wise to get advise if you have any doubt about whether or not you are
applying for the right mortgage because a mortgage broker can ensure that you
are not wasting your time and credit checks applying for a mortgage that you
may not be able to obtain. They can also ensure that you are getting the best
deal on the mortgage market.

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May 22, 2012 um 3:44 pm
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