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October 25, 2015

Health insurance – Taking care of an uncertain future

health insurance investmentsIt was like a message from beyond the grave. One man’s actions left his family protected from the financial aftershocks of his sudden demise.

Most of Vinit Sharma’s* friends remember the printing press owner in Mumbai as a quiet, unassuming person who spoke only when necessary. Even in his close circle of friends, Vinit was always the quietest but he had the loudest laugh. The only time he became gregarious was when he would spend time with his two children, Asha* and Vinay*.

But despite his studied silences, he was always helping others whenever he could. If the building kids needed help hauling tubs of water downstairs for Holi, Vinit would be the first to help them. His wife would often see him writing cheques to the local orphanage – without saying a word even to her. If a neighbour needed to reach the airport at midnight, he would often volunteer to drive them.

But his family was unaware of one miracle Vinit had already worked out years before he passed away last year after succumbing to a heart attack. He was just 49 years old with no history of heart trouble. His devastated wife, Shyamala* says, “He suffered a heart attack at home just before leaving for work. By evening, the doctors told me that he could not be saved. The attack had been a severe one. I remember sitting alone in the corridor outside, wondering about my future and the future of my two children.”

A few days later, a long forgotten memory suddenly presented itself to her. “I remembered that some years ago, Vinit had told me to look in his safe in the wardrobe for his insurance papers. ‘In case anything happens to me…call the company and claim the insurance money’ he had told her at the time. “I had heard him out but dismissed it. Nobody in their wildest dreams expects their partner to leave them in their 40s. But I remembered what he had said and checked his safe. Sure enough, I found the insurance papers,” Shyamala recalls.

It turned out that Vinit had taken a health insurance plan that covered the entire family. “The plan was to mature in five more years. He had never missed a premium payment. When I saw the sum assured amount, I gasped in surprise,” she smiles. After contacting the insurance company, she set the health insurance plans claim process in motion. “All the paperwork was in order, and the process of claiming the money was very simple. I got the sum assured in under a month,” she says.

She remembers feeling like “a cloud had lifted” despite losing her beloved husband. “The money would help in my children’s education for a few years. There was enough left over for monthly expenses as well. It felt like it was his last gift to his family from beyond the grave,” she says with tears in her eyes. “We all miss him terribly, not a single day passes when I do not think of him. But even after his death, he looked after our needs. That one step he took –of taking a health insurance policy – ensured that my children and I would not need to depend on anyone else for our sustenance.”

Today, she runs her husband’s business which is doing quite well. Her daughter will enter college life soon, and his son says he plans to become a pilot. The family’s dreams are on course – just like Vinit wanted.

*Characters in the write-up are merely illustrative

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August 15, 2014

Ways to Boost Your Auto Insurance Business

Auto insurance for allAutomobile insurance business is among the most sustainable in the present world. Government regulation of making insurance compulsory for all motorized vehicles contributes to the success of this business. This business of covering automobiles against damages could be owned privately, by public sector undertakings, or by joint stock companies. In a country like USA auto insurance business is controlled by public limited companies. The level of competition among these companies is not stiff as the number of entities is less. Further each of these companies is tied up strategically with separate car manufacturers and their dealers for insuring new vehicles.

Insurance for vehicles is done on sale but before the concerned automobile hits the roads. The coverage amount depends on vehicle type, its use, its engine capacity, and seat capacity. If these are same across manufacturers then insurance cost remains same for similar category vehicles. For instance, the cost of insurance for a 4-seated petrol car of 1200 cc of two different makes would be same. Similarly the cost of insurance for trucks of same capacity and type but different brands would be the same.

With the parameters of calculating premium remaining constant there is not much of variation in insurance cost among companies. Further, there is not much of publicity for auto insurance as it is mandatory for all vehicles. Anything which is compulsorily procured or bought does not require too much of a marketing, particularly when service providers are limited. However, in a globalised economy the entrance of more companies in this trade is expected to increase competition. With increased competition it becomes important to devise new tools for attracting more customers. More information on these topics is found in this author’s website.

Probable tips

  • Depreciation – Under normal circumstances premium for any automobile is increased every year because of depreciation. As the chances of wear and tear of a used machine increases with its usage so does its coverage cost. Keeping insurance costs unchanged in spite of depreciation is one way of making insurance packages more attractive.
  •  Discounts – Usually automobile insurance providers offer accidental or loss coverage for a period of one year at a time, to be renewed in successive year. In the event of ‘no claims’ (when there are no accidental damages) during a year, the cost of insurance is discounted for the subsequent term. This discount rate varies from one service provider to another and is a determining factor of attracting more customers.
  •  Claim settlements – Time required for claim settlement is another vital aspect in boosting auto insurance business. For a car owner the time spent in receiving the settlement amount from the time of notifying damages is crucial. Often companies take a long time in making settlement payments and that too after repeated requests. Lengthy settlement period is a huge turn-off for car owners. To make automobile insurance services more tempting, settlements should ideally be made before a damaged car leaves a garage.
  •  Simplicity – Formality involved in lodging a complaint is another vital issue determining the acceptability of a motor vehicle insurance provider. The greater the formalities, lesser is the acceptability of an insurance service provider. It is advisable to have a simple and convenient process of lodging a complaint or claim.
  •  Accessibility – Accessibility is another important determinant of an insurance company’s popularity. Companies with more offices or contact points are naturally more acceptable to end-users. It is common human tendency to approach a service provider which has more visibility.
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April 5, 2014

Impact of lifelong pet insurance – All details

Pet insurance in detailsPet Health Assessment is just another name given to electro-dermal analysis of stress via a computerized system. All medical conditions have a root cause; identifying this root cause is the primary objective of such computerized systems.

Preexisting, current and past pet health conditions can be effectively detected by the professionals associated with renowned insurance companies, by using your body’s energetic pathways; the system also helps detect the effects of EKG, X-ray, urine and blood analysis prior to the application of such medical procedures.

Generation of energy within your body is measured by a segment of this computerized system. Meridians are pathways that utilize these energies. You may take a few examples in large intestine meridian, spleen meridian and liver meridian, while your body’s tissue or organ system will prove the relation. Acupuncture is the science that analyses the energy and meridians. Your health declination is the outcome when the energy generated within your body loses control. Under such circumstances, the environment no longer supports your internal system. All of the major imbalances are displayed through a CHA performance. The process allows us to catch the rhythm of our body and helps maintain its balance with the use of proper tools like Detoxoids, Nutrition and Homeopathic tools. You’re likely to be shown through a number of astounding outcomes; it really turns healthier when your body and energy levels strike a natural balance.

The medical community maintains the domain of diseases; a few holistic approaches will show you through a right balance of energies generated within your body. In order to ensure a proper functioning of various organs and retain your health quality, certain tools are introduced. A modern computerized system is very much in operation to track the outcomes of such implementations. The process might seem relaxing and painless, but it consumes some time in the end.

Age of new technologies

The advent of technology will certainly develop modern health care procedures, treatments, medications, and systems and incorporate them within our regular practices via regular medical procedures. Both fresh and old knowledge is likely to be assimilated by clinicians and applied on their patients; physicians need to communicate problems to associate providers, hospitals and patients after going through the health background and status of individual patients.

Retrieving information concerning the medical condition of each patient, storing it and organizing it had been a tough challenge in the past; absence of a proper data maintenance system posed a serious challenge towards meeting all expectations. These days, you have the necessary computer systems to convince clinicians about meeting their vital requirements.

Impact of pet health coverage

When it comes to using, managing, analyzing and organizing of health care information, the major aspects are being handled by lifelong pet insurance companies. These companies are known to conduct industry researches from time to time and engage eminent pet health professionals within their network. It is in the interest of pet owners to opt for such protection right from an early age of their pets. The peace of mind that they achieve through the life of their pet is of utmost importance. It not only saves their out-of-pocket expenses, it even helps them lead a jovial life with their best companions for years to come. In the event of a crisis, a wholesome coverage plays a key role at the back of their mind. All that they need to do is to evaluate the coverage features and the claims history at the beginning. They need to earn that feel good factor, that in times of need they will have someone to stand by them. All pet owners want to assure that they have done the best for their furry old friends.

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October 23, 2013

Getting a no medical critical illness insurance quote

illness insuranceBack when life insurance first came out, when it was common to have salesmen come knocking at the door, the odds of dying young were higher than they are now. Many illnesses that are treatable now were often fatal. Men, and women, were concerned with leaving their families with nothing and shouldering the burden of funeral costs on their own. Because of the advances in medicine, many of the illnesses that used to be fatal are now curable. With these advances, though, come the costs of treatment and care. That is why it is important for people of any age to look into no medical critical illness insurance.

It is estimated that in 2013 alone, over 180,000 people will be diagnosed with cancer. Over 46% of men and 41% of women may develop cancer sometime in their lifetime, and while the number of new cancer cases per year increase, and the odds of having cancer have gone up. So to, have the odds of surviving. Breast cancer, for example, has seen a decrease in death rates by 42% since 1986. So, while more people are being diagnosed with cancer, the odds of beating it (depending on the type of cancer) have gotten considerably better. Because of facts like this, rather than simply focusing on life insurance, getting a quote for no medical critical illness insurance should be a priority for everyone.

No medical critical illness insurance coverage takes care of the costs that may not be covered under healthcare or private plans. Costs such as: childcare, lost wages, travel costs, mortgage payments or other bills. This type of insurance pays out a lump sum upon diagnosis and survival that can be used to cover whatever shortfalls there are. With no medical critical illness coverage, there is no need to have a medical; therefore, everyone may qualify for coverage regardless of health.

While many illnesses such as cancer, stroke, or a heart attack may not happen to someone in their twenties, the best time to look at no medical critical illness insurance is before issues come up. Critical illness insurance will not cover pre existing conditions, so by purchasing coverage when in good health and young you will have coverage for future illnesses and save money as well. When purchased earlier in life, rates tend to cheaper as the odds of having illness occur are lower at that time.

Being diagnosed with cancer no longer means dying from it. Every day more and more people are surviving illnesses once thought incurable. With over 87% of the Canadian populace expected to be diagnosed with cancer at least once within their lifetime, it is important to think about getting a free no medical critical illness insurance quote as soon as possible.

NoMedicalLifeInsurance.ca is an initiative of independent insurance expert Tamara Humphries and LSM Insurance. They have unique expertise in finding the best possible rate for no medical critical illness insurance their team has access to and uses the most up-to-date financial planning software from their insurance carrier partners. They focus on preparing the best possible package for each client’s specific situation and needs.

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February 14, 2013

What Kind of Cost Life Insurance Has

Life insuranceIf you are considering purchasing a life insurance policy in order to protect your family in the event of your own untimely demise, there are a few different types of plans that need to be taken into consideration. Each has their own pros and cons, and covers you in a variety of different types of situations. Several of the more common types of life insurance policies that you should study in-depth include;

  • Term Life

Term life insurance is the most basic form of life insurance that currently exist. You purchase coverage for a price, for a specified amount of time. If the individual that owns the policy were to die at any point during that time, the beneficiary of the policy would receive the value of the policy. It is easy to see why term life insurance has become a popular option for individuals that want to secure their family in the event of their untimely passing.

  • Whole Life

Whole life insurance is actually very similar to term life insurance, but differs in one major aspect. Instead of only covering you for a specified amount of time, whole life insurance actually covers you for the entirety of your life. With the purchase of your policy, premiums for whole life insurance will remain constant throughout the life of the policy.

  • Universal Life

Universal life insurance is another common type of insurance that is offered by a wide variety of different companies. Universal life differs from the other options because it allows you to place any amount into the plan, over a set minimum premium amount. The company will in choosing investment vehicle, usually consisting of bonds and mortgages. The returns from these investments going to cash value account, which you can use against premiums, or allow you to build upon your policy. Depending on the type of universal life insurance policy that you choose, the beneficiary you may receive different types of payouts, with the most common type of payout being the face value of the policy based on the investments and premiums.

  • Variable Life

Another common type of life insurance is variable policy life insurance. With variable life insurance, there are going to be a wide range of different investment products that are available to you, including stocks that allow you to grow your life insurance fund for your beneficiary. Returns on investments can offset the cost of premiums with these plans, and beneficiaries usually receive either the face value of the policy, or the face value of the policy plus part of the proceeds found within the cash account.

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